Commercial Leading

Leading on behalf of Commercial Operators-
- We will supply an MTE qualified walk leader to lead groups on behalf of commercial operators at their normal rates of pay plus accommodation and expenses.
- We will also supply an instructor for training in hill-walking skills etc.
- We do not however provide evening entertainment for walking group members; we believe leaders need to rest between periods of responsibility leading.
Leading for Youth Groups-
- We are not licensed by the AALA and do not therefore offer any activities to under 18’s unless accompanied by their parent. However we will provide instructors to work under the licence or exemption held by a youth organisation or educational body as long as we are satisfied that their insurance offers us adequate protection. Where working for a school it will be in the status of part-time employee, and not as a contractor.
- Our rates for youth groups are very negotiable. We are particularly sympathetic to Scout and Duke of Edinburghs Award groups.